
Introduction to Radical Routes. A short (16 page, A5) booklet introducing Radical Routes. Topics covered include Aims and princiles; How Radical Routes works; How to join; How we raise and then lend money to our Members; Other services we can offer to members. In fact if you want to download a copy to print off you can, here it is. FREE |

How to Set Up a Social Centre 92 A4 pages of legal structures, business planning, property maintenance, licencing, policies, housing legislation, running a bar, etc, etc, etc. Or choose to have one to read on the screen or one that is laid out for printing onto A4 paper and folded up into a booklet. £4.25 |

How to set up a Workers Co-op. (spiral-bound) Updated Summer 2015. 172 A5pp of choosing legal structures, registration with companies house, market research, business plans, democratic decision making, legal requirements & responsibilities, finances and a few bits on running the thing once you’ve set it up If you don’t want to buy this lovely book, but do want the information then please feel free to download one of the following low resolution (but still 3.4Mb) PDFs of the insides. This copy is laid out one page to an A5 sheet. It includes model company articles of association, which can be downloaded in an editable form from Seeds for Change. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to ‘Seeds for Change’ Lancaster( who prepared most of the book or to the RR Trading Co-ops Network or ask Co-ops UK. £7.00 |

How to set up a Housing Co-op. (32 pages, A5)”We believe that everyone should be in control of their own housing, not at the whim of their landlord. Co-ops also provide secure homes, so that your housing is not dependent on your financial security.” If you don’t want to buy this lovely booklet but want the information then take a look at this low resolution version for looking at on the screen or this high resolution version imposed onto A4 sheets for printing off at home and making into your own booklet. Alternatively scoll down to the bottom of the page to a simple step by step guide £3.25 |

Directory of Member Co-ops. “The co-operatives which make up Radical Routes are working towards a better world: concentrating their efforts on housing, education and work. We are an ambitious organisation and don’t just talk about our ideals; we are getting on with the practical development of the network and want more co-operatives to join.” Download an imposed copy of the 2011 version to print out and staple together. £1.75 |

Rootstock – supporting co-operatives working for social change. “Rootstock is a new social investment society set up as an initiative of the Radical Routes network of co-operatives. Rootstock builds on the success of Radical Routes in raising investment and making loans to co-operatives working for a socially just and ecologically sustainable society.” Download a read-on-screen copy Download a Rootstock share application Download the Anti-money-laundering regulations as they apply to rootstock investors FREE |

To order any of the publications listed above – please print the order form and post to us with a cheque or postal order made payable to “Radical Routes Ltd”.
Double sided A4 sheet giving a basic step by step guide to setting up a housing co-op
RR Model Spreadsheets – Housing Co-op Cash-flow Forecast
Spreadsheets designed for housing co-ops to work out what they can afford to buy, how much rent they need to set and what loans and loanstock they will need. Ignore any bits that aren’t relevant if you’re not a RR member co-op applying for a loan. If you are a co-op with an existing property, choose the “existing co-op” version of the spreadsheet.
Find here the latest spreadsheets (follow the link and right click on the file you want to download it)
Co-op Clusters – Report for and Minutes from the round-table convened to assess our application to the Friends Provident Foundation for the Co-op Clusters development project
Model Tenancy Agreement May 2020: PDF, ODT and DOCX (follow the link and right click on the file you want to download it)