Neds Housing Cooperative was formed in 2010 by a group of Nottingham residents active in campaigns for environmental and social justice, so sustainability has always been at the core of our policies.
As a co-operative, Neds members have control of their own accommodation and hence can invest their combined rent income in the maintenance and improvement of the 1850’s New Basford house.
Neds is part of Radical Routes, a network of like-minded co-operatives that facilitates mutual-aid to create collective power. Co-ops are used as a tool to take control of the economy and re-make it for people and planet.

Nottingham City has responded to the climate and environmental crisis by setting a target to become the first carbon neutral city in the UK by 2028 (known as CN28). An edited copy of this article appears as Neds Housing Coop’s Carbon Neutral Nottingham pledge.
As a city, we need to reduce carbon emissions as quickly as possible to meet the CN28 ambition. This will take a collective, city-wide effort. It is not just people acting alone, but it is also about how people can act together, with their neighbours, streets, communities and colleagues.
Neds Housing Co-op recognises the impacts of climate change and the importance of Nottingham acting now to limit its effects. We support efforts to make Nottingham a carbon neutral city by 2028 and will actively play our part in achieving this.
Neds Housing Co-op believes that all organisations and residents in Nottingham need to be part of a collective effort to meet our targets and commits to contribute by:
- Taking responsibility for our organisation’s carbon emissions, striving to reduce these and working towards carbon neutrality by 2028,
- Advocating for CN28 and encouraging others we work with to join in and take action,
- Sharing our experiences, ideas and knowledge to help other organisations in Nottingham to overcome the challenges to achieving carbon neutrality and becoming more sustainable
Neds Housing Cooperative is taking action to reduce our carbon footprint:
- Energy usage is regularly monitored with reports discussed at meetings of the cooperative. To supplement electricity from installed solar panels, our energy provider, Good Energy, supplies sustainably sourced electricity. Further solar panels may be installed when funds allow.
- Pending completion of the draft-proofing and insulation of remaining communal spaces, research has begun for installation of a sustainable system for water and space heating. An air sourced heat pump may be the favoured solution.
- Purchases are guided by the Ethical Consumer Research Association. By buying in bulk for a ten-person household, economies of scale enable ethical & organic choices to be favoured for foods and eco-cleaning materials from Lembas, the Sheffield-based wholesale co-operative.
- All meals in the house are vegan, further minimising the impact on the climate and environment, with by organic veg from allotments & Eden Farms, as well as fighting food waste via Oddbox and Foodprint.
- Most of the 10 residents, whose ages range from mid-20’s to mid-60’s, use bikes for local journeys, with trains, buses or shared vehicles used for longer journeys.
- Neds members are involved in wildlife protection, community gardening, eco education, cycle training, vegan catering and other activities essential in achieving sustainability targets and are keen to share experiences with other wishing to set up co-operative housing projects.